August 25, 2017 – Maxville, Ontario
Field – WCWCI/WCX Tests (registration-Pending)
Ambertrail Kennel
Judges – Ms. Gwyneth McClellan & Mr. Conrad Langlois
The Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Club of Canada will be hosting a WC/I/X Field Test on Aug 25, 2017 as the field test requirement for the 2017 NSDTR Club of Canada National Specialty. This event is held under the Rules and Regulations of the Canadian Kennel club and is open to All Retrievers, Irish Water Spaniels, Barbets, Poodles and Airedale Terriers.
Registration: Open, Premium list here
August 26, 2017 – Woodland Campground, Long Sault, Ontario
Obedience (registration)
Pre-Novice, Intermediate Novice, Novice A, B, & C, Open A & B, Utility A & B, Brace, Team, Veterans and Exhibition Only
Rally (registration)
Novice A & B, Intermediate, Advanced A & B, Excellent A & B
Judge: Lorraine Moffa
Agility (registration - Pending)
To be held in conjunction with regular SD&G show.
The Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Club of Canada will be working with SD&G to designate Trial XXX on Saturday Aug 26, 2017 as the Designated Toller Trial in which prizes for Tollers will be offered.
Novice, Intermediate, Advanced and Excellent Jumping with Weaves
Novice, Intermediate, Advanced and Excellent Standard
Judge: TBC
BBQ – (Order form) – Long Sault
August 27, 2017 – Long Sault, Ontario
Sweepstakes (registration-pending)
Note All dogs entered in Sweepstakes must also be entered in one of the regular classes at the specialty.
All Regular Sweepstakes classes divided by sex 6-9, 9-12, 12-18
All Regular Veteran Sweepstakes classes are to be divided by sex 7-10, 10-11, 12 and over
Judge: Mrs Patricia Lanctot
Junior Handling (registration-pending)
All Classes Offered
Judge: Dr. Elissa Steinbock
Conformation (registration)
Regular Classes: Junior (6-9), Senior (9-12), (12.18), Canadian Bred, Bred By Exhibitor, Open, Field, Veteran, Specials Only, Sexually Altered
Non Regular Classes: Baby Puppy, Brace, Stud Dog, Brood Bitch, and Exhibition only
Unofficial Classes: Extended Generation, Gun Dog *NOTE if entered in Gun Dog cannot also compete for Breed
Judge: Mr Michael Lanctot
Awards of Merit will be awarded at the Judge’s discretion. 1 Rosette for every 10 competitors in Best of Breed competition
(Order form) – Best Western